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Frog is a piece which exists both as a static webpage and an interactive performance piece in which audiences use their cellphones.

I did the audio recording, sound design, and programming. The digital art is by Nick Barrett.

Year: 2022

Program Note: Nestled in the village of Sistiana in the Carso region of Italy, sit two large frog ponds. In the warm weather of Spring, the frogs awaken from their hibernation and begin reproduction. The frog pond grows exponentially louder during this time, as the frogs begin their mating chorus. After rain, they become particularly conversational. Frog invites you to experience the feeling of being near these frog ponds, both visually and sonically.

Frog in Performance: During a performance of frog, the audience connect to the server using their cellphones. They can create frogs on their cellphones and on a projected screen. One person is in control of the server, and can decide how many frogs the audience can make, as well as various other features. This allows for control of spread and density of sound.

Frog Promo

Static Version

This version is static (no connection between your cell phone and the webpage). You can create more frogs by using the left and right arrows on your keyboard, or clicking on the frogs on your cellphone. If you're on a computer, Try using the "f" key as well!

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Interactive Version

You can connect to this version with your cellphone if you are on a computer. First, click for frog on your computer. Then, visit frog.treyanash.com on your cellphone. You should be able to create frogs on your cellphone and the computer at the same time! Use the plus key to allow more frogs on the computer version.

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Frog Promo

Static Version

This version is static (no connection between your cell phone and the webpage). You can create more frogs by using the left and right arrows on your keyboard, or clicking on the frogs on your cellphone. If you're on a computer, Try using the "f" key as well!

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Interactive Version

You can connect to this version with your cellphone if you are on a computer. First, make a couple extra frogs on the computer version (right arrow again!). Then, visit frog.treyanash.com on your cellphone. You should be able to create frogs on your cellphone and the computer at the same time! Use the plus key to allow more frogs on the computer version.

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