Treya Nash is a composer and creative coder based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She is currently completing her PhD at Louisiana State University with Mara Gibson, Jesse Allison, and Steven David Beck. She has previously studied with Paul Koonce, Mark Engebretson, and Alejandro Rutty. Treya’s current focus is on audience participation in the concert hall, which often involves creating web apps for cell phone use, or giving objects to the audience. While she hopes that you have fun experiencing her pieces, this is not required. One day, she may experiment with creating something harrowing, but she is not there yet. Treya collaborates with various ensembles, visual artists, choreographers and filmmakers. She loves working with other people as long as the vibes are good! Treya has attended a bunch of festivals and conferences. Her favorites include the line upon line percussion winter composers festival and the web audio conference. Treya loves nature sounds, you can often find her outside recording frogs, bugs, trains, birds, and weird things that people say in public. Please reach out to her if you’re interested in working together! PS, she is from the UK but has lived in the US for like 10 years, that’s why her accent is so hard to place.