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The Sound of a Weekend

Instrumentation: 2+ players of any instrument/object/voice, one conductor from the audience.

Year: 2023 | Duration: variable

Written for New Music Mosaic

Premiered by New Music Mosaic with guest conductor Erin Power:
Elsie Bae Han, viola
Olivia Katz, cello
Walter Yee, clarinet
Wilson Poffenberger, saxophone
Ryan Chao, percussion

Performed by Wilson Poffenberger and friends at the 2023 NASA Biennial Conference

Program Note: This piece is a guided improvisation combining players interpretation of instructions with the participation of one audience member. The instructions are based on Luigi Russolo’s six categorizations of sound, as described in The Art of Noises. The players become “noise machines” controlled by the “conductor”. All players will play the same instructions. The aim is to blend and combine as a single noise machine. The audience member will control the form and duration of the piece, but the players are responsible for every other musical choice, such as dynamics, technique, silence, timbre, etc.

New Music Mosaic (Boston Cohort)
New Music Mosaic (Boston Cohort)

Full Score